Simply put, in an investment fund you invest together with a number of other people, hiring a professional management team to take care of your investments. The great advantage of investing through a fund is that all the work of monitoring the market on a daily basis and analyzing various investment opportunities is left to its manager. You just need to choose a manager that follows an investment strategy compatible with your goals. In addition, you also don't have to deal with bureaucracies such as paying taxes on each sale of shares: the tax is only due when you sell the fund's shares and is automatically collected at source. In our investment fund, Ártica Long Term FIA, we have a team of professionals dedicated to management. We all invest a large part of our personal assets in this fund, which reinforces our commitment to taking care of it with the utmost discipline and responsibility, continuing the investment strategy that resulted in an average return of 37% per year since the creation of this investment vehicle , in June 2013, until December 2021.