Everyone wants to earn money fast. This is exactly why there is a natural attraction for short-term return possibilities. Like for example the shares of promising companies that promise to be the next Google, investments in options, daytrade, poker, lottery tickets, among many others. Can you imagine the negative side of these “opportunities”? Generally, every possibility of quick gain comes with a good deal of risk of losing the invested capital. There is a theory in finance that says that markets are efficient, that is, that the potential return of each opportunity is always adjusted for the risk level of that investment, so that it is only possible to have a chance of a higher return by taking more risks. . We do not believe that the market is perfectly efficient. That would be like believing that if you find a R$ 100 note on the floor, it's no use picking it up, because someone would have already picked it up if the note was really there. In our view, there are better-than-average opportunities, where the risk-return ratio is more favorable than normal. However, it is not so simple to identify these opportunities. For simple and widely known investment opportunities, efficient market theory is often a good reference. So, if you find out about an opportunity that promises high returns through YouTube videos, email lists, online advertisements or any other channel with wide public access, suspect that the investment may not be so good.