Multi is one of the largest manufacturers of consumer goods with technology in Brazil. Its mission is to improve people's lives by offering cost-effective products. It is made up of 14 independent business units, each with its own marketing, engineering and resource structures. There are 14 companies within a large umbrella called Multi. It recently became one of the main positions of the Ártica Long Term FIA fund. With a history of growth and profitability spanning more than 2 decades, Multi is a product launch machine, having reinvented itself a few times. It began its activities by recycling printer cartridges and today operates in Smartphones, Tablets, Computers, Small Appliances, Electric Mobility, among others. One of the company's differentials is its portfolio complementarity and its agility in meeting new trends. She is constantly mapping out new products to improve people's lives. It has a very well designed organizational culture, valuing freedom with responsibility, flexibility and agility. This culture is aligned with very well designed incentives, resulting in a powerful lever for value creation.