In 1817, creation of the Brazilian Stock Exchange in Salvador. In 1843, Alves Branco, the then Minister of Finance, created the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange for trading public securities. In 1890, creation of the Bolsa Livre, in São Paulo (which closed its doors about a year after opening). 1895, the São Paulo public funds exchange is founded. In 1935, the São Paulo public fund exchange was renamed the Official São Paulo Stock Exchange. In 1960, there were 27 different stock exchanges throughout Brazil, with the highest concentration in the Carioca Stock Exchange. In 2000, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro led an agreement to integrate the exchanges of SP, RJ, MG, Santos, Brasília, Bahia-Sergipe-Alagoas, PE, PB, PR and the Bolsa Regional, to maintain only Bovespa. The idea was that RJ would trade only public securities and the electronic market, and SP publicly traded companies and private securities. In 2002, the São Paulo Stock Exchange bought the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange. In 2008, the shareholders of BOVESPA and BM&F approved the merger of the two companies and BM&FBOVESPA was born in São Paulo. In 2017, BM&F merged with CETIP (Central de Custódia e de Liquidação Financeira de Valores), with CVM approval, and became B3 (Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão).