Arctic Pension FIM RL

Ártica Previdência FIM is our vehicle for qualified investors who wish to invest their PGBL or VGBL plans in our equity strategy.

The fund applies the same philosophy as Ártica Long Term FIA and is managed by the same team. The main differences are i) the regulatory limitation of having a maximum of 15% of the fund allocated to the same stock and ii) the possibility of having more than 33% allocated to fixed income and continuing with the exemption from come cotas. With these characteristics, Ártica Prev will have greater diversification than Ártica LT and will be able to protect itself more easily in times when shares are expensive, keeping a higher percentage in cash.

Our strategy consists of investing in shares of quality, resilient Brazilian and foreign companies that are significantly discounted from what we believe to be their intrinsic value. Our theses have a 3 to 5 year horizon and we do not attempt to predict short-term market movements.

A significant portion of the partners' and management team's assets are concentrated in our funds, which reinforces our commitment to taking care of them with the utmost discipline and responsibility.

Where to invest:


Technical Features

ANBIMA classification

Multimarket Pensions

Target audience

Qualified Investors (CVM 175/2022)
Investors aligned with our principles and long-term vision

Quota class

Single class


Arctic Management

Administrator / Custodian

BTG Pactual

Minimum investment

R$ 1 thousand

Additional investment

R$ 200.00

Administration fee

2% aa

Application quotas

D+1 (business day)

Redemption quotas

D + 89 (calendar days)

Financial settlement

D + 2 (after quotation)

Taxation (IR)

Depending on the choice between PGBL or VGBL, regressive or progressive, without quotas

Performance fee

20% on what to exceed the Ibovespa, with watermark




Invest with us