1. Only invest in what you know Be it a stock, a fund, or any other investment, it only makes sense to invest your savings in something you know, you know the risks and potential returns involved 2. Invest for the long term…
Everyone here knows the fable of the hare and the tortoise: The hare used to make fun of the tortoise's slowness, until, tired of being the target of mockery, he challenged the hare to a race. The hare, sure of himself, readily accepted.…
To occupy a dull day, the King promised great fortune to anyone who invented a game. Many games were presented, but the winner was the one who created chess. When the time came to receive the award, the winner refused his…
The answer is no. Unless you are a professional investor and fully aware of what you are doing, we recommend not investing in options. Options are often used to structure investment strategies that are more complex than just…